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Pay-Per-Click Advertising Explained

Pay-Per-Click Advertising Explained

Pay-per-click advertising is a form of search engine advertising. It involves paying for ads when someone clicks on link, as opposes to banner ads,where you pay if someone sees an ad no matter what action they take.

How PPC Ads Work ?  

If someone clicks on as, the company will pay the search engine for the click.
With Google Ad-words, the ads that show up w/ search results are the once that Google thinks are most relevant and had the highest bid among the most relevant ads.

How Much Do PPC Ads Cost ?

The amount of competition for particular keywords
Quality Score: A measure of how relevant a search engine thinks your ad is

Can PPC Work with SEO ?

Companies use PPC to send traffic to their sites while waiting waiting for results from their SEO efforts.
But if you’re already at the top of search results and you have a PPC ad showing up with the results, your website will fill up a person’s screen, which nearly guarantees that  people will visit your site.

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