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What are the benefits of using WordPress to create your company website?

The WordPress statistics for 2022 demonstrate the benefits of using WordPress to build websites
WordPress 4.9 has received more than 250 million downloads to date, making it the most popular CMS in the world. The numbers are enormous! Is it not?
It is evident that WordPress is the most effective and widely used tool for creating websites.
The most popular web-building tool available now is WordPress (WP). It is only a continuously evolving free open-source content management system (CMS) or publishing software.

Why Build a Website with WordPress?
This piece will explain why you must completely rely on this CMS platform to create your very first website.

This post attempts to summarise all the beneficial justifications for choosing WordPress for your website.

Without further ado, let’s start with the core capabilities of this potent CMS system.

1. Open-source content management system
The fact that this programme is an open-source CMS is the primary and most significant reason to love it.
This implies that you can alter or change anything as necessary.
It allows you full control to alter website themes, add plugins, alter the appearance, and other things.
Additionally, this open-source CMS offers webmasters a tonne of options to create sophisticated website features via plugins and increase its functionality.

2. It’s totally free!

It is free to use to build websites because it is open-source software.

You can utilise or CMS software for your website in two specific methods.

First, you may use WP software to create a self-hosted website. You will need to pay a little fee for your domain name and hosting service.

The second option is to use the service, which offers fully-featured hosted solutions and domain names that use the WP software. also offers a number of subscription-based plans that users may purchase in order to access extra features, unique themes, plugins, and other things.

3. A Reliable Website Platform
The largest CMS market share belongs to WordPress (60%), which is followed by Joomla (5.2%).The reliability and scalability characteristics deserve credit for this astounding percentage share. Businesses using this CMS solution to build their first websites have a lot of faith and trust in the platform.

You can rest easy knowing that your site is in good hands because major brands like Sony Music, Disney Books, and KazmaTechnology Technologies use WordPress.

4. It Improves Your Site’s SEO
SEO determines whether or not your business will succeed online. In fact, it is true!
It goes without saying that WordPress is well known for being SEO friendly.
because it has a huge selection of free themes and templates that are both user-friendly and SEO-friendly.
Additionally, it enhances the functionality of your website by offering you simple built-in SEO plugin features.
Because Yoast SEO offers both a free and a premium paid version, it is something to think about.
Yoast has a lot of tools that make it simple to optimise your website.

5. Excellent for Building eCommerce Websites
WordPress is the best software for e-commerce in particular and is more simpler to use than competing platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, and Wix.
The best aspect is that you don’t have to build up your e-commerce site from scratch.
If you already have a WordPress website, you can simply auto-install WooCommerce, and your online store will be ready in no time.
Open-source plugin WooCommerce seamlessly connects with WordPress websites.
Therefore, WordPress allows you to create the exact eCommerce website that you like.

6.Backend Customization
WordPress includes a built-in backend that makes managing and customising websites simple.
There could be various web pages on your website that need proper upkeep.
Even if you lack technical expertise, managing your web pages is simple with the WP customizer backend.
As opposed to WordPress websites, non-WordPress websites require multiple backend developers, which takes time.
This is a significant benefit of utilising WordPress for your website.

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