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15 ways to improve your LinkedIn optimizing your profile

15 ways to improve your LinkedIn optimizing your profile

1. Upload a professional photo of yourself with a nice smile.

2. Spend some time creating an interesting headline.It should be concise, compelling and value-driven. Make it compelling.

3. Add brief content for each job position in your work experience.Remember to show your ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND RESULTS.Don’t just list  the tasks that you did. Ask yourself “So What?” to each task you list. Does it pass the “So What?” test or do you need to add more results?

4. Create a personal branding URL-Either your name, company or one or two word tag line summary
5. Write Compelling content on what you do and how you can help  help others.Write for the people who you want to find  your profile.

6. Provide all relevant groups or clubs of which you are a member in the real world and add the once on LinkedIn that are important to you.

7. Make visible the groups you want others to see, and change visibility if you don’t want the public to see your group membership.

8. Display awards and achievements to build credibility with industry members.

9. Include your contact information such as your email address and phone number if you want people to contact you. Also, include ways that you want to be contacted such as for job  inquiries or career opportunities.

10. Join groups in your industry, city, state, former university or in your other interests. If one is not available, create a group of your specialty.

11. Send an invitation and add some value to the message by trying to make it more personal.

12. Import your contacts and invite them to connect with you.

13. Look for “Open Networks”-you can join a group called LIONs or LinkedIn “Open Networks”-The more connections,the more likely you are to find what you seek when searching ( as well as be found when others
are searching).

14. Build the foundation of Networking-Become someone that others know,like and trust.

15. A great way to build trust with your connections is to make introductions. Introduce people in your network that you think would make a great fit.

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