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What are the useful WordPress Plugins?

What are the useful WordPress Plugins?

Listing 20 useful WordPress Plugins for different types of website. The first eight plugins are recommended for almost all types of websites.

1) Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is the best plugin for SEO. Obviously, This plugin is not going to rank your website but this plugin will help you with search engine optimization. This plugin helps you by doing Readability Analysis in each post, allows you to create SML sitemap. You can also add Title, Meta Description etc directly from Add Post menu.

2) Advanced Ads

Advanced Ads allows you to create, insert and manage your Ads. This plugin also supports multiple features like Display Condition, Visitors condition, Device Type, Ad Type etc.

3) Thirsty Affiliates

Thirsty Affiliates makes affiliate marketing very simple. You can add, redirect and manage all your affiliate links from one dashboard. You can also check the performance of your affiliate link from stats and reports section.

4) All-in-One Migration

Backup should be the first priority for any website or blog. All in One Migration is the best plugin to transfer any website from one host to another host. Apart from the migration feature, this plugin also allows you to create a backup and you can also download the back file into your local computer.

5) WP Super Cache

Caching a WordPress site makes it faster and reliable. WP Super Cache is easy to use and setup. Just install and activate the plugin then You just need to check a few boxes to configure the plugins and it will start caching your website.

6) Google Analytics by Yoast

This plugin allows you to view the analytics of your site right there in your WP dashboard.

7) Share Plugin

Social media is one of the best ways to increase the traffic of your blog because the reach of social media is increasing every day. You just need to install and active a share plugin of your choice. The share plugin will allow your visitors to share the content on their favorite social media sites.

8) Wordfence Security – Firewall & Malware Scan

The security plugin supports features like blocking malicious networks, scanning for vulnerabilities, monitoring various metrics that could make your site more open to attack, and much more.

Above 8 plugins are the must have plugins for a WordPress website. Now, You can check few more useful plugin, if you need some additional features.

9) BJ Lazy Load

This plugin is useful, if you have lots of image on your website or blog. Bj lazy Load plugin replaces all your post images, post thumbnails, gravatar images and content iframes with a placeholder and loads the content as it gets close to enter the browser window when the visitor scrolls the page.

10) Akismet Anti-Spam

If you allow you visitors to comment on your blog then you must install this plugin. Akismet is the best way to protect your blog from spam, it will automatically put all the spam comments in the spam folder or you can also setup to directly delete spam comment instead of putting them into spam folder.

11) Custom Permalinks

This plugin allows you to customize the permalink of your site the way you want it. Set the URL of any post, page, tag or category to anything you want. Old permalinks will redirect properly to the new address.

12) Blog2Social

If you don’t want to manually share you posts on social media then you can use this plugin. This plugin allows you to automatically share new posts on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and others.

13) Revive Old Posts

If you blog is live from a very long time and you already have more than 500 posts then you can use this plugin. Revive Old Posts plugin allows you to automatically share your old posts on Facebook and Twitter. This plugin also allows you to set interval for the shares and other features.

14) Simple Custom CSS

If you regularly use CSS on your website to customize the themes or anything. Normally, You can directly add custom CSS from Additional CSS section of your theme but the problem is you will loose all the change whenever you will switch you theme. But, If you will make any changes using Simple Custom CSS then you will not loose anything.

Above 8+6 plugin are useful for a WordPress website. Now, You can check few more useful plugin, if you need some additional features.

15) WooCommerce

If you want to convert your normal blog into an e-Commerce or online shopping store then you can install WooCommerce to you WordPress website.

16) Gallery Plugin

If you have a photography blog then you will need a Gallery Plugin, You can use any Gallery Plugin of your choice. Just make sure that the plugin is fast.

17) Really Simple SSL

If you want to install SSL Certificate on your website and you don’t know how to redirect all your visitors from HTTP to HHTPS then you can install this plugin. This plugin will setup SSL certificate in just one click.

18) 404 Redirected

The plugin will allows you to redirect all the broken links to the correct place.

19) Regenerate Thumbnails

If you want to change the theme of your website then this plugin is really helpful for you. Each theme supports different size of thumbnail or featured image so your older image will look very ugly in the next theme. But, Regenerate Thumbnails will change the size of all the features image according to the next theme’s size.

20) Contact Form

If you want to allows your viewers, advertisers or sponsors to contact you directly from your website, you can install any contact form of your choice and create a new contact page using the contact form plugin.

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